
  •   A renowned painter who rose from an impoverished past, must confront his onc…
  • <p>  夏安(西恩·潘 Sean Penn 饰)是一名退休的摇滚乐手,富足和闲适的生活让他逐渐失去了往日的精神和…
  • <p>  《再见,我的新郎》记录了同志青年肖恩·彼特尼·克罗恩 (Shane Bitney Crone) 和汤姆·布莱…
  • <p>  《极乐堡垒》中,莫娜汉饰演的玛吉是一位战功卓著的美军医务兵,同时也是一位单身母亲。她在阿富汗…
  • <p>  女孩葛莉达刚与家人搬到新城市,换了新学校,开始交新朋友。但这一切并不容易,周围突然冒出的挑战…
  • <p>  The first installment in an exciting new horror franchise. A young …
  • <p>  An exploration of Earth and beyond as seen from outer space.《美丽星球》的…
  • <p>  A neon art collector seduces a lone drifter into killing her abusiv…
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